Wednesday, June 10, 2020


APPETIZER:  Christ died and lived again, that he might be Lord both of the dead and of the living. Christ's Ascension into heaven signifies his participation, in his humanity, in God's power and authority. Jesus Christ is Lord: he possesses all power in heaven and on earth. He is far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, for the Father has put all things under his feet. Christ is Lord of the cosmos and of history. In him human history and indeed all creation are transcendently fulfilled. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, #668)

MAIN COURSE:  Most of us are used to understanding that Christ’s Passion (his sufferings and death) is inseparably linked to his glorious Resurrection.  In other words, we easily grasp that Good Friday and Easter Sunday go together like bread and butter. But we might not realize that the Ascension is also an inseparable part of what we call the Paschal Mystery (a theological term for what Jesus did to save us and heal us from sin and death).  Something vitally important to human salvation is missing if we forget about the Ascension. Even though it was one Saving Event, let's break down the Paschal Mystery into three parts and take a closer look.

Good Friday shows us in a very real flesh and blood way that the Lamb of God offered himself up as the sacrifice for our sins. But when Good Friday night came to its end, all we had was a dead and buried Messiah. 

However, first thing Easter Sunday morning the Resurrection takes place and this changes the entire story! Why is this? Because the Resurrection was the marvelous sign and proof that God the Father had accepted the sacrifice of the God-Man Jesus of Nazareth on behalf of the human race. It was a total game-changer!

Easter shows us that Jesus' rescue and restore mission was successful! Human nature was healed of its spiritual wounds. The power of sin to drive a wedge between us and God was conquered.  Death, the ultimate penalty of sin, was destroyed and no longer had the last word over human beings. It was transformed from a deep dark dungeon of despair into a hopeful doorway to eternal life. 

However, though successful Jesus' rescue and restore mission was not yet fully accomplished. There was another step to go. Yes our sins were forgiven on the Cross. And yes death has been conquered by a human being by his rising from the grave.  But there is still more to come in God's plan for us human beings.  The Ascension takes up from where the Resurrection left off.  It leads us human beings into the glory of Heaven. It shows us that the whole person, the entirety of our human nature – body as well as soul - will experience this glory once we ourselves have passed through death and trampled it under our feet in Christ. And those last wo words make all the difference in the world!

You see, I think that many Christians have a misunderstanding when it comes to the Ascension.  They think that once Jesus rose up from the dead and returned to Heaven he left his humanity behind and is now worshipped and adored solely as God. But this isn’t the case at all! The Risen and Glorified Lord Jesus is at the right hand of the Father, living and reigning with him, as a Human as well as being Divine.  And that’s what is so awesome and marvelous about the Ascension.  It elevates us humans far above what we were originally created to be!  

By having one of us humans, namely Jesus of Nazareth, actually enter into the direct Presence of God and reign there in Heaven completes God's rescue and restore mission.  The whole Paschal Mystery is accomplished on Jesus' end, but now each one of us must become part of this story of salvation. It begins with our baptism, continues on with our living of an authentic Christian life, and will be complete with our resurrection from the dead, when we will each be lifted up, body and soul, to live and reign with the Ascended Christ forever in Heaven. 

So, you see, limiting the Paschal Mystery to only Good Friday and Easer Sunday actually strips the Ascension of its purpose, strips Jesus of all he has done for us, and strips us humans of our full dignity in Christ. There are those words again! In Christ.  But they are indispensable, awesome and sweet words! 

We are only saved and healed of sin and selfishness by becoming part of Christ, which means becoming a member of his Mystical Body the Church.  This happens first through Baptism and then we grow in this gift through our inseparable union with Christ by remaining part of his Mystical Body the Church. This happens  especially through Confirmation which completes our Christian Initiation and through the Eucharist., which is the nourishment of our life in Christ.  

This is why the teaching of the apostles, the teaching of the Church from Day One until now has been and always will be that salvation is impossible if people are not in someway linked to the Church, the community that forms the Mystical Body of Christ on earth. And this is why the next Glorious Mystery of the Rosary, the one that we will ponder in our next lesson, is the Descent of the Holy Spirit.   It is the Holy Spirit who is, as St. Paul the Apostle tells us over and over again in the New Testament, our connection, our bond, our link, with Christ.    Pentecost, the Day of the Spirit's Great Arrival, is the birthday of the Catholic Church. And it is the mission of the Catholic Church to go out to all the world telling others about Jesus and inviting anyone and everyone to be come part of Him so that they, too, can share in the blessing of the Paschal Mystery.

DOGGIE-BAG: A little something to take with you for spiritual snacking...

Notable Quote:Jesus' Ascension into Heaven thus allows us to know this reality that is so consoling on our journey: in Christ, true God and true man, our humanity has been brought to God. He has opened the way. He is like the leader of a mountain climbing party that is roped together. He has reached the summit and pulls us to himself, leading us to God. If we entrust our lives to him, if we let ourselves be guided by him, we are certain of being in safe hands.” (Pope Francis,  Ascension 2013)

Prayer of Praise:  Come all you faithful, and let us climb the Mount of Olives and with the Apostles let us lift up our minds and our hearts on high. Let us behold our Lord as He is taken up to heaven and let us cry out with joy and gratitude : Glory to Your Ascension, O Most Merciful One! (From the Byzantine Catholic Liturgy for the Ascension)

Prayer of Petition:  Dear Lord Jesus Christ, before your Ascension into heaven you told your disciples to be Your witnesses to the ends of the earth. And to make this possible you promised to send down upon them the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. May I also become a witness to you and your Gospel message in word and deed.  Please pour out upon me the Promised Gift of the Father, the Spirit of Truth, that I may do so prudently and joyfully, with your help, your guidance, and your grace! And remembering this glorious event of your Ascension, help me to seek and keep my heart on what is above where you are seated at the right hand of our Father! Amen.

Scripture Verse to Memorize: "Both with and in Christ Jesus he raised us up and gave us a place in the heavens." (Ephesians 2:6)

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